
*龍崎區位於臺南市中心附近,地形獨特,人口稀少。 區內人口不足4千人,使其成為臺南市人口最為稀少的行政區之一。儘管距市中心僅10公里左右,但由於區內地勢險峻,許多居民紛紛外移,導致這片土地的寧靜與質樸。龍崎區公所座落於崎頂里,享有絕佳視野,遠眺臺南市區的高樓大廈。



龍崎區讓人感受到一份與世隔絕的寧靜,彷彿一處情感挽回的寶庫,帶給人們重新思考、淨化心靈的機會。 在這樣的環境下,人們更容易舒展心靈,釋放困擾,尋找內在的解脫。

Dragon The #龍 symbolizes power, strength, and good luck in Chinese culture. It is a creature of myth and legend, representing potent and auspicious powers. In the context of Longxi District, it reflects the area's unique energy and resilience, offering a sense of protection and guidance to those seeking solace and reconciliation.

This article aims to explore the spiritual essence of Longxi District in Tainan City, Taiwan, and its potential to serve as a sanctuary for emotional healing and personal growth. By embracing the tranquility and distinctiveness of the area, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, introspection, and emotional renewal. May the Dragon's spirit guide and inspire all who venture into the serene landscapes of Longxi District. ✨