
*Taiwanese people believe that one's fate is closely related to the place where they live. Therefore, the renaming of administrative districts, also known as "jih gai," is a controversial issue in Taiwan, especially in the case of Da-Yuan District in Taoyuan City. As a result, we are going to analyze the impact of this event from a metaphysical point of view, including numerology, Feng Shui, and other related topics.

*The meaning of "Da-Yuan District" is derived from the name of a large wasteland, which implies barrenness and hardship. In contrast, the new name "Ta-Yi District" contains the element of "greatness" and "gathering," which reflects the flourishing future of this region. This change in name is therefore beneficial from a numerological point of view as it brings better energy and fortune to the district.

*However, some people are concerned that the renaming of the district might negatively impact its Feng Shui. The ancient Chinese believe that a location with good Feng Shui will attract positive energy and fortune, while a place with bad Feng Shui will bring bad luck and misfortune. Therefore, we will need to analyze the new district name based on its Feng Shui characteristics to determine its auspiciousness.

*From a metaphysical perspective, the new name "Ta-Yi District" has excellent Feng Shui characteristics. It has a balanced five-element structure, with the element of "water" being the most prominent. This implies a flourishing future related to the fields of travel, transportation, and logistics.

*Furthermore, the new name has the potential to attract more wealth and prosperity, the "water" element further helps to increase the intellectual ability of people living in the area. This means that residents of the newly named district will have a bright future full of good health, wealth, and happiness.

*In conclusion, the renaming of Day-Yuan district to Ta-Yi district represents a positive change from a numerological and Feng Shui perspective. The power and the energy of the new name will continuously bring good fortune to the region, including its economic, educational, and tourism sectors. Taiwanese people should embrace the positive change and use their optimistic energy to promote the prosperous and bright future of Ta-Yi District.

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